
Are you interested in learning about the water quality of Sligo Creek?

Consider joining the Water Quality Committee!

The Water Quality Committee participates in projects aimed at understanding and improving Sligo Creek's water quality. We have recently expanded chemical monitoring thanks to a grant received in fall 2007 from the Norcross Wildlife Foundation. Also we do macroinvertebrate monitoring for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Stream Waders program, the Izaak Walton League's Save Our Streams program, and the Audubon Naturalist Society program. We try to learn about and promote Sligo Creek monitoring being done by others and when appropriate use our findings to write letters to government agencies. Information about our activities are posted on the Friends of Sligo Creek general listserv. If you would like to participate or have further questions about our activities, email Pat Ratkowski.

Chemical Monitoring
of Sligo

Measurements of chemical and physical indicators including pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and more

Biological Monitoring
of Sligo

Surveys of stream aquatic life and bacteria to determine water quality

Physical Monitoring
of Sligo

Surveys of eroded areas and exposed pipes

Other Water Quality Related Surveys and Activities

Science fair projects, WSSC and Sligo, and more