Friends of Sligo Creek Mural in Sligo Creek Elementary School

In 2002 the City of Takoma Park put out a call for decorative posters to be placed around the construction site for the new municipal building. Artists, children's groups and citizens were encouraged to help hide the unsightly hole in front of the old municipal building on one of the city's main streets.

Marty Ittner of Friends of Sligo Creek is a Takoma Park artist and graphic designer. Her work in creating a Takoma Park poster from a photograph by Stan Barouh for Friends of Sligo Creek is documented in the web page Making a Friends of Sligo Creek Sign for Takoma Park.

In 2005 the Takoma Park Community Center was completed and the slightly weathered sign needed to be removed from its position behind the community center. Ross Campbell, a member of Friends of Sligo Creek, recommended the Sligo Creek Elementary School in Silver Spring, behind the International Middle School (old Blair High School). Marty Ittner discussed the matter with the principal, Diantha Lay, who adopted the panels for the entrance lobby of the school.

Clair Garman creates mural frame.

Clair Garman and Erik Hagen fasten the mural inside the frame.

Clair Garman and Ricky Hamilton carry the framed mural to its new home.

Students await the unveiling.

Bruce Sidwell presents Marty Ittner with a "Dogged Pursuit of Water Quality" Award.

Phil Baldwin and Ricky Hamilton do the honors.

The Mural in its final home

Back: Engineer Phil Baldwin
L to R, middle row: Ross Campbell; Takoma Park City Council Member Joy Austin-Lane; Principal Diantha Lay; Friends of Sligo Creek President Bruce Sidwell;
L to R, front row: Mural Creator Marty Ittner; MCPS Performance Director Lucille Ellis; Photographer Stan Barouh