PEPCO Meadow First Anniversary

The Friends of Sligo Creek thanks Pepco for establishing a new meadow habitat, starting in 2008, through a low-mow shedule in the powerline corridor on either side of Sligo Creek. In our first summer without mowing, we saw thirteen native wildflowers, ten species of native grasses, and a dozen different butterflies. The beauty of the meadow solicited emails of gratitude from local residents and provided hours of pleasure for hikers, bikers, dog owners, and nature-lovers. See the list of plants and butterflies seen. Enjoy the photos of the flora and fauna in our new Right-of-Way meadow in its first full year!


Hyssop-leaved boneset, butterfly weed, New York ironweed, yarrow, Joe-Pye weed, goldenrods, Maryland golden-aster, dogbane, early goldenrod, wild potato vine, horse-nettle, fire-weed, and hedge bindweed.


Indian grass, purple top, poverty grass, deer tongue, broom sedge, little bluestem, flat-stemmed panic grass, nimblewill, autumn bentgrass, and purple lovegrass.


clouded sulpher, orange sulphur, common buckeye, cabbage white, pearl crescent, variegated fritillary, meadow fritillary, painted lady, coral hairstreak, and grass skippers.

Butterfly weed in late June
Pearl Crescent Butterfly on Boneset
Variegated fritillary and Maryland golden-aster on September 1
Goldenrod high on the western bank
Clouded sulphur on butterfly weed
Indian Grass
Sea of broom-sedge, little bluestem, & other grasses in February
Moonrise over Indian grass February
Sunset behind purple top and broom-sedge
Dried aster in winter