
kick seine (the net) waders
tarp bucket with a sieve bottom
magnifying glass insect identification key
pencil and paper


  1. We chose a time when it had not rained for three days.
  2. We chose a place with no bridges or waterfalls near it.
  3. We walked into the creek being careful not to disturb the upstream.
  4. My helper held the kick seine and I kicked dirt into it for 3 minutes.
  5. Then we poured the dirt in the net into the bucket which we then poured onto the tarp.
  6. Using the magnifying glass myself and two helpers looked through the dirt and tried to find something for 20 minutes.
  7. Recorded results.
  8. When we were done we poured all the dirt and macroinverterbrates back.
  9. We did this at three different locations in Sligo Creek and three different locations in Sleepy Creek, West Virginia.