WSSC Water Quality Monitoring

Here is the twenty-ninth round of results of WSSC's fecal bacteria monitoring tests which are required by the consent decree. These results are from this WSSC report. The report also describes a change in the testing methods from previous tests.

December 15, 2016

The Maryland state standards for Enterococci bacteria:
All Areas: 33
Frequent Full Body Contact Recreation:61
Moderately Frequent Full Body Contact Recreation:78
Occasional Frequent Full Body Contact Recreation:107
Infrequent Full Body Contact Recreation:151
All numbers are counts per 100 milliliters
Stream SiteFecal Bacteria Results
Enterococcus CFU/100mL
Bacterial Source Testing
Human Bacteriodes (EPA)Human Bacteriodes (Dorei)Bird Fecal IDDog Bacteriodes ID
1). Muddy Branch
40Not Detected Not DetectedNot DetectedNot Detected
2). Seneca Creek
48Below limit of quantitation 840Not DetectedNot Detected
3). Cabin John Creek
82Not Detected Not DetectedNot DetectedNot Detected
4). Piscataway
93Not Detected Not DetectedBelow limit of quantitationNot Detected
5). Cabin John Creek
99Not Detected Below limit of quantitationNot DetectedNot Detected
6). Piscataway
Not Detected
(Not Detected)
Not Detected
(Not Detected)
Below limit of quantitation
(Below limit of quantitation)
Not Detected
(Not Detected)
7). Parkway
(downstream - Bear Branch)
125Below limit of quantitation 683307Not Detected
8). Broad Creek
(downstream - Henson Creek)
132Below limit of quantitation 840Not DetectedNot Detected
9). Watts Branch
139Not Detected Below limit of quantitationBelow limit of quantitationNot Detected
10). Paint Branch
140260 5600Below limit of quantitationNot Detected
10). Parkway
(upstream - Walker Branch)
140Not Detected Not DetectedNot DetectedNot Detected
12). Horsepen
144Not Detected Not DetectedNot DetectedNot Detected
13). Paint Branch
Not Detected
(Not Detected)
Not Detected
(Not Detected)
Not Detected
(Not Detected)
Not Detected
(Not Detected)
14). Northwest Branch
149Not Detected Not DetectedNot DetectedBelow limit of quantitation
15). Watts Branch
Not Detected
(Not Detected)
Not Detected
(Not Detected)
Not Detected
(Not Detected)
Not Detected
(Not Detected)
16). Horsepen
186Not Detected Not DetectedNot DetectedNot Detected
17). Northeast Branch
188287 3650Below limit of quantitationBelow limit of quantitation
18). Dry Seneca Creek
191Not Detected Not DetectedNot DetectedBelow limit of quantitation
19). Muddy Branch
197Not Detected Below limit of quantitationBelow limit of quantitationBelow limit of quantitation
20). Oxon Run
(upstream-Watts Branch)
213367 1590Not Detected874
21). Western Branch
238Not Detected Below limit of quantitationBelow limit of quantitationNot Detected
22. Rock Creek
256Not Detected Not DetectedBelow limit of quantitationNot Detected
23). Indian Creek
257Not Detected Not DetectedBelow limit of quantitationNot Detected
24). Northeast Branch
259429 5950Below limit of quantitationBelow limit of quantitation
25). Sligo Creek
282Not Detected Below limit of quantitationNot DetectedNot Detected
26). Rock Creek
Below limit of quantitation
(Below limit of quantitation)
Not Detected
(Below limit of quantitation)
27). Oxon Run
3892570 44900Not DetectedBelow limit of quantitation
28). Broad Creek
(upstream - Henson Creek)
413Not Detected Below limit of quantitationBelow limit of quantitationBelow limit of quantitation
29). Sligo Creek
419Below limit of quantitation 2480Below limit of quantitationBelow limit of quantitation
30). Lower Anacostia
7031550 23500753Not Detected
31). Indian Creek
740Below limit of quantitation 1090631Not Detected
32). Lower Anacostia
8002580 27500256Below limit of quantitation
33). Northwest Branch
11964510 40800Below limit of quantitationBelow limit of quantitation
34). Upper Beaverdam Creek
1316336 12500Below limit of quantitationNot Detected
35). Little Falls
1354Below limit of quantitation 1180Below limit of quantitationBelow limit of quantitation
36). Lower Beaverdam Creek
1889Not Detected Below limit of quantitation354Not Detected
37). Upper Beaverdam Creek
3625Below limit of quantitation 4010Below limit of quantitationNot Detected
38). Little Falls
6236380 1900Below limit of quantitationBelow limit of quantitation
39). Lower Beaverdam Creek
8345740 4180778Not Detected
40). Western Branch
Below limit of quantitation
(Below limit of quantitation)
Below limit of quantitation
(Below limit of quantitation)

Numbers in parentheses() are results for field duplicate samples.